How to do the social media right
Social media is an essential marketing tool to promote your website. Take inspiration from these online companies who are killing it on social media In 2017, you’d struggle to find an online business that isn’t on social media. However, just simply having a social media presence is no longer enough to attract customers and get them to visit your website. Today, successful social media marketing is all about making your business stand out – through regular content posts, highly visual imagery, videos, innovative thinking and much, much more. Being active on social media is a must-have to get your business noticed and, therefore, drive traffic to your website, but you now need to do a LOT more to get users to buy in to your brand. It’s worth noting that a lot more social media activity doesn’t mean a lot more work. Consider the following questions: Am I experiencing the success on social media that I had hoped my start-up would achieve? Is the content I’m post