When I started my online shop, I had exact idea what I want to sell and make. With a winter coming I am getting ready more winter stuffs, but a good basic t-shirt is an important wardrobe staple. So I started to hand write basic t-shirts to make it look really unique. And since I have a baby girl, she should have her wardrobe basics to match mine. So we can go matchy matchy.  Zara and  Mango does it too. This t-shirts will be online soon. 

Ked som otvorila moj web shop, mala som presnu predstavu o tom co chcem vyrabat a predavat. S prichadzajucou zimou a chladnejsim pocasim samozrejme robim 'zimnejsie' zasoby, ale dobre obycajne tricko je velmi dolezitou sucastou satnika. Takze som zacala popisovat tricka aby vyzerali jednoducho unique. A odkedy mam dievcatko, ona by tiez mala mat nejaky ten zaklad satnika ktory bude ako moj. Takze sa mozme skombinovat. Zara a Mango robia to iste. Tieto tricka uz coskoro v mojom web shope. 


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