Not long ago we had 1st anniversary. I mean me and my boyfriend. It took us a bit longer to figure out when it happen ;) I don't mean that I don't remember when we start to date, but what day it was exactly. So on our 1st anniversary I got such a amazing present. When I opened the box I was speechless. Wouldn't you if you get a D&G watch? And one more extra, lovely bracelet ;)
Nedavno sme mali s priatelom nase prve vyrocie. Trochu dlhsie nam trvalo ktory den sme zacali, ale ked sme sa po dlhom case k tomu datumu dopracovali tak potom sme to aj poriadne oslavili. Dostala som tieto nadherne hodinky. Ked som otvorila az som stratila rec. Ved kto by nie keby dostal taketo uzasne hodinky D&G? A este nieco k tomu, nadherny naramok ;)

Not long ago we had 1st anniversary. I mean me and my boyfriend. It took us a bit longer to figure out when it happen ;) I don't mean that I don't remember when we start to date, but what day it was exactly. So on our 1st anniversary I got such a amazing present. When I opened the box I was speechless. Wouldn't you if you get a D&G watch? And one more extra, lovely bracelet ;)
Nedavno sme mali s priatelom nase prve vyrocie. Trochu dlhsie nam trvalo ktory den sme zacali, ale ked sme sa po dlhom case k tomu datumu dopracovali tak potom sme to aj poriadne oslavili. Dostala som tieto nadherne hodinky. Ked som otvorila az som stratila rec. Ved kto by nie keby dostal taketo uzasne hodinky D&G? A este nieco k tomu, nadherny naramok ;)
D&G watch
F. HINDS silver bracelet
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