Do you know that feeling when you leave the hairdresser  and you are so unhappy, because you leave with the new hair cut which is absolutely nothing what you imagined. I had that kind of feeling all the time. I was so jealous of such a stylish ladies as Elin, Charlotte Sabrina or Sara with the perfect length and style. So I tried the same. Here we go, much shorter and something what I can call longer bob. 

Poznate ten pocit ked odchadzate od kadernika a ste strasne nestastne, pretoze odchadzate s niecim co absolutne nieje v sulade s vasimi predstavami. Ja som sa presne takto citila zakazdym ked som odchadzala od kadernicky. V tichosti som tuzila mat taky strih ako maju take stylove damy ako su Elin, Charlotte Sabrina alebo Sara v perfektnej dlzke a style. Tak som skusila nieco podobne. A tu je vysledok, ovela kratsie a nieco co mozem nazvat ako dlhsi bob.


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