You know that feeling, counting down the days before the holidays. Finally that day is here. Travel comfy but still look good after landing. For a flights I don't wear a make-up, just little bit of foundation. Have a lovely weekend, and I gonna enjoy my days in full. 

Poznate ten pocit, ked odpocitavate dni do dovolenky. Konecne ten den je tu. Cestovat pohodlne ale stale chcem vyzerat dobre po pristati. Ked cestujem vacsinou nenosim make-up, vzduch v lietadlach plet vysusuje, pouzivam len kryci krem.  Zelam vsetkym krasny vikend, a ja si idem uzit dni naplno.

Zara jeans, coat/ New look t-shirt/ Dorothy Perkins belt/ Nike trainers/ Collection Eighteen hat


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