I still can't believe how quickly fall change the summer. Just few days ago was lovely summer day and this days we are experiencing proper fall days. But it's the perfect time to wear all jackets again with the finish touch of fedora. I've been looking for a perfect one since last fall, couldn't find any what I really liked, until last Saturday. When I saw even this one I wasn't so sure about the color, charcoal, what I gonna wear it with, but when I wore it I couldn't take it off. Still I need to find perfect black one in a reasonable price. But for now this will do perfectly.

Stale nemozem tomu uverit ako rychlo jesen vystriedala leto. Iba pred par dnami sme mali nadherny letny den a poslednych par dni musime celit skutocnym jesennym dnom. Ale toto je ten spravny cas znova obliect kabat s najlepsim doplnkom akym je fedora klobuk. Hladala som podobny uz od minulej jesene ale az v sobotu som narazila na taky co sa mi konecne pacil. Ked som nasla tento nebola som si az taka ista farbou, tmavo-siva, co k nemu budem nosit, ale ked som si ho vyskusala uz som ho nechcela dat dole s hlavy. Stale potrebujem najst cierny v rozumnej cene. Ale nateraz postaci aj tento.

What I was wearing

ZARA jeans, blouse
GATE jacket
LEE COOPER trainers (here)
COLLECTION18 hat (here)
TIE RACK scarf


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