Denim skirt and the trainers
I am so excited to have that trainers. It's a strange feeling, I bought them after 4 years resisting on buying a trainers. I love this ones so much. I wanted to wear them for a first time with a skirt, but you saw the leather one on me so often that I went for denim version. And when outside is unbelievably cold and windy I had to take a coat. But I like the final look. What about you? Thanks for all your lovely comments.
Som taka nadsena z tychto tenisiek. Az neuveritelne. Su to prve tenisky co som kupila asi po 4 rokoch odolavania. A uz teraz ich nechcem dat dole z noh. Chcela som ich mat po prvykrat s kombinovane so suknou, ale kedze moju oblubenu kozenu ste uz videli tak vela krat, tak som sa radsej rozhodla pre riflovu verziu. A kedze vonku je az neuveritelne chladno a fuka silny vietor, musela som si zobrat aj kabat. Ale paci sa mi celkovy sportovy look. A vam? Dakujem za vsetky mile komentare.
What I was wearing
OLD denim skirt
H&M sweater
NIKE Metro Plus trainers
NEXT belt
An amazing outfit
tenisky mozno nerobia pekne nohy ale su mega comfy:-)