At night


Ups it was long time since I post some outfit. I don't have so much time right now to take a picture what I wear, but I am trying to do it at least once a week. It was the same this weekend. On Saturday we went shopping, I have amazing boyfriend he doesn't mind to go shopping with me, so I was finally wearing nice blouse. I could have a great picture, but as we were busy of shopping we even forgot to take a picture. And later when I realized that, we couldn't find some good location. So here is the another sweater picture. At least sweaters are so in right now. Wearing it with new black jeans, ( I was missing that color in my wardrobe since I lost quite few kilos ), leather jacket and fur vest. I felt warm and chic.

Ups bolo to davno odkedy som dala outfitovy clanok. Momentalne nemam vela casu robit fotky mojich outfitov, ale snazim sa odfotit nieco aspon raz tyzdene. Rovnako to dopadlo aj tento tyzden. V sobotu sme boli na nakupoch, mam uzasneho priatela, neprekaza mu ist so mnou na nakupy, takze konecne som mala na sebe peknu bluzku. Mohla som mat super fotku, ale nie, kedze sme mali plnu hlavu nakupov, tak sme zabudli na outfitovu fotku. A neskor ked som sa tym zacala zaoberat, uz sme nenasli ziadne dobre miesto. Takze zase v tomto predzimnou obdobi mozem ukazat len dalsi svetrovi outfit. Naststie tuto sezonu su svetre v mode. K tomu nove cierne rifle ( tato farba mi v satniku chybala odkedy som zhodila par kil ), kozena bunda a kozusinova vesta. Bola som v teple a citila som sa chic.

What I was wearing

ZARA jeans
FISHBONE faux fur vest
GATE jacket
GAP sweater
CLARKS boots


  1. Love the fur too :)

  2. Cute vest :)

  3. Love the fur vest! Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog :)

    x lauren

  4. Really nice fur vest. Would you like to follow each other via bloglovin? Have a nice day.

  5. ďakujem za komentár, krásny outfit :))

  6. Hi again girl! Love your fur vest!
    followed via bloglovin! xxx

  7. ty for post..
    ı lıke it


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