Sport look


Hello beauties, I am back on track. After a week of fighting a sickness, I am back to enjoy fashion again. Much better feeling. Everyone knows that feeling, when you are settled down and you don't enjoy single thing. That was me last week.
But new week is here, new stuffs going on and I had a sport mood yesterday. Don't go that far, I did not go for running or anything, I just wanted to wear trainers and a baseball hat. It's so in right now, isn't it? Plus added that oversized denim shirt and a leather jacket. What do you think? I felt good and love it.

Caute baby, takze som spat. Po tyzdni stravenom urputnym bojom s chorobou, so spat uzit si znova modu. Ovela lepsi pocit. Vsetci to pozname, ked vas to chyti a vobec nic vas nebavi. Tak takto presne som vyzerala ja minuly tyzden.
Ale je tu novy tyzden, deju sa nove veci a ja som vcera mala sportovu naladu. Zasa netreba ist az tak daleko, nie nebola som behat alebo cokolvek ine, len som chcela vybehnut von v teniskach a so siltovkou. Ved to sa prave nosi, nieje tak? Plus som dodala oversized ryflovu koselu a kozenu bundu. Co myslite? Ja som sa citila super a milujem to.

 ZARA jeans
GATE jacket, scarf
LEE COOPER denim shirt, trainers
NY cap
RAY BAN sunglasses 


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