I had a jeans in my closet for over a year and I didn't wear them a lot. I don't like to just get rid of it and especially when they fit perfect. So I just decided to change the color of them. Here is the result. I love that charcoal color what came out, instead of planed the black one.
Do you like them more now or before? Thanks for all your lovely comments.
V skrini som mala rifle uz vyse roka, a nenosila som ich velmi casto. A kedze nemam rada len tak vyhadzovat veci a este k tomu ked tieto " sedia " perfektne. Tak som sa rozhodla ze im zmenim farbu. Tu je vysledok. Paci sa mi tato uhlovo cierna farba co vznikla, aj ked povodna bolo planovana cierna. Pacia sa vam viac predtym alebo teraz? Dakujem za vsetky mile komentare.
before after
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