

Finally friday evening, weekend can start. Any special plans? Over here is lovely weather so this are my essentials for a weekend to keep me updated. Newest issue of Harper's Bazaar for outside and my Mac for indoor. Can't wait to have a deeper look what's going on for a new season. Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for all your lovely comments.

Konecne piatok vecer, vikend sa moze poriadne zacat. Nejake specialne plany? Tu je nadherne pocasie, takze toto su moje najpotrebnejsie veci na vikend, aby som bola v obraze. Najnovsie cislo Harper's Bazaar na von a moj Mac na dnu. Nemozem sa dockat kedy sa blizsie pozriem na novinky nadchadzajucej sezony. Zelam vam krasny vikend. Dakujem za vsetky mile komentare.


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