Getting colder


Getting colder here in London. Putting loads of layers on. I love denim jacket I bought it in spring, wore it through whole summer and still can get enough of it. Now I just wear it with more layers and with a fur west to keep me warmer. And I never can forget a hat. It's great that they are number one in accessories for this winter. What do you think about the shoes? I love them.
When we take a picture, we just have fun. It was the same with the first one, I saw that mirrored wall and couldn't resist just to take a mirrored picture, and my boyfriend suggested to pretend a handshake " when I met myself ". 

Tu v Londyne sa uz postupne ochladzuje. Zacinam s vrstvenim oblecenia. Denimovu bundu som kupila na jar, nosila som ju cele leto a pokracujem na jesen, samozrejme teraz si musim obliect viac vrstiev  a zavrsit to kozusinovou bundou aby mi bolo krasne teplo. A nikdy nesmiem zabudnut na ciapku. Je super ze tuto zimu je to doplnok cislo jedna.  Co si myslite o topankach? Ja ich milujem.
Vzdy ked ideme niekam fotit, berieme to ako zabavu a potom myslim ze na fotkach to je vidiet. Presne tak to bolo aj na prvej fotke, ked som zbadala zrkadlovu stenu nemohla som odolat, chcela som mat zrkadlovu fotku, a hned na to mi priatel navrhol aby som predstierala podanie ruky " ked som sa stretla " .

 What I was wearing

BLANCOSUITE denim jacket
FISHBONE fur vest
F&F pants
F&F shoes


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