When I have nothing to do
I took this pictures on the way to the shop. Outside is rainy weather, very cold and windy. I want to be comfy and warm. I bought that parka, on one innocent trip to shops. Seriously innocent, I was actually looking for something for my boyfriend, and I just found that. When I found it, wasn't really sure if shall I take it or leave it. But as I was trying it on and compering to another one, some girls stop and looked at me, braver one even asked where did I found it. There were even two friends and one of them whispered looking at me " that exactly what I want ". I didn't need more. Instead of buying something for my boyfriend I ended up with that parka. What do you think, was it good decision?
Tuto fotku som spravila na ceste do obchodu. Von prsi, je zima a fuka. Vsetko co chcem je byt v pohodli a teple. Tuto bundu " parka " som si kupila na jednom nevinom vybehu do obchodov. Vazne nevinom, hladala som nieco pre priatela, a nasla som toto. Ked som ju nasla, velmi som si nebola ista ci ju chem alebo nie. Ale ked som si si ju skusala, obliekala a zobliekala a porovnavala s inou, par slecien si ju obzeralo a tie odvaznejsie sa zastavili a pytali sa kde som ju nasla. Dve kamaratky prechadzali okolo mna a jedna zasepkala tej druhej " presne taku chcem ". Lepsiu radu som nepotrebovala. Namiesto toho aby som nieco kupila priatelovi, kupila som si tuto parku. Co myslite, bolo to dobre rozhodnutie?
What I was wearing
BENCH. parka
ONLY sweaterdress
ROXY beanie
CLARKS boots
TAKKO tights
Cool jacket! :)