When I dressed up this morning I wasn't really sure what to take. Morning was terrible, cloudy and a bit chilly, but I knew latter on gonna be warm. My plan for a day was to go shopping. And skirt seems better option then a jeans,  but it took me a bit longer to pick the right top. And I end up with this. Cup was just because I didn't wear it for a while. What do you wear in this days?
P.S. I show you tomorrow what I bought.

Ked som sa dnes rano obliekala, nebola som si velmi ista co na seba. Rano bolo hrozne, zamracene a trochu chladno, ale vedela som ze neskor bude teplo. A moj plan dnesneho dna? Nakupy. Sukna sa zdala lepsie riesenie ako rifle, ale s trickom to uz take lahke nebolo. Vyber padol na toto. Ciapku som dodala len preto lebo som ju uz davno nemala. A co vy nosite v tieto dni?
P.S. Zajtra vam ukazem co som kupila.

What I was wearing

ZARA skirt and top
NIKE Metro Plus trainers


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