Lately I do less shopping for a new clothes, but keep re-do my old stuffs. That shirt is the same. I almost forgot that I have it in my closet. Just few days ago I found it, and just cut off laces, which I could tight and make it fitted around the waist, and here we go perfect oversize stripe shirt. So don't be afraid to take the scissors and colors to renew your stuffs. Thanks for all your lovely comments.
V poslednom case kupujem menej novych veci, ale na druhej strane upravujem stare veci. Davam im novy sviezi nadych. A tato kosela je toho dalsi dokaz. Skoro som zabudla ze ju mam v skrini. Iba pred par dnami som ju nasla, odstrihla som z nej snurky, ktorymi sa stahovala okolo pasu, a tu zrazu je tu perfektna nadrozmerna kosela. Takze nebojte sa chytit noznice a farby aby ste dali nadych starym veciam. Dakujem za vsetky vase mile komentare.
What I was wearing
AMISU jeans ( DIY )
F&F shirt ( DIY )
LEE COOPER trainers
dobry napad.... netreba vzdy kupovat nove veci, ale hladat nove moznosti v tom starsom :)